Lytle Johnson 425-557-1851
P.O. Box 2667
Redmond, WA 98073-2667
Work history (reverse chronological order)
Siemens Ultrasound (Issaquah, WA): medical ultrasound equipment
Ultrasound image storage and playback with postprocessing; subsystem hardware/software integration. DSP for Doppler signal processing and display; intermediate Doppler data storage/playback. Specialized data processing for research applications.
PhysioControl (Redmond, WA): medical cardiac care equipment
DSP for distributed patient data system. Add-on product for defibrillation advisory, based on ECG signal. Verification of system behavior. Coordination of product release.
CyberMedic (Louisville, CO): medical pulmonary function analyzer
Converted analog instrument to microprocessor-based. Development for production.
Rockwell International (Boulder, CO): industrial automation
Welding machine control and data collection for high-quality welds in nuclear weapons production.
Data collection and analysis for a wind turbine research site; design of add-in cards for modular computers.
Software Development Tools Used
Siemens: First machine VME-based with VxWorks. Motorola 68340 in C and assembly. Unix development. Current machine: Pentium-based main machine under Windows. DSP in TI 340C6701 with development and simulation using TI suite. C and assembly. Both machines are written primarily in C++ (with heavy emphasis on OO); hardware control in C.
PhysioControl: Unix-based development with target 68020. Automatic defib advisory in a dedicated Intel 80C196. Product software support based on Hitachi 8-bit processor. C cross-compilers under Unix.
CyberMedic: Intel 8-bit processor interfaced to calculator chip. Intel MultiBus. PL/M and assembly.
Rockwell: minicomputers (ModComp) with RTOS. Mixture of Fortran and assembly language.
Other Software Tools
Documentation using FrameMaker
Source code control: currently ClearCase (also RCS and SCCS in past)
Defect tracking system: ClearQuest (Aonix)
Formal Education
University of Colorado: MSEE (DSP and numerical analysis)
University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland): PhD in welding metallurgy
Ohio State University: BSc, MSc
Miscellaneous Activities etc.
Aviation (pilot, flight instructor, mechanic)
Outdoors (hiking, backpacking, bicycling)
Registered professional engineer (Colorado)
President and principal entrepreneur of Catrax Inc., a software services company
Six technical publications in welding, stress analysis, and digital technology.